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Cub Scouts are divided into different ranks based upon their age. Click on a rank for details:

Bobcat Bobcat (All Grades)

Tiger (1st Grade)

Wolf (2nd Grade)

Bear (3rd Grade)


Webelos 1
(4th Grade)
Arrow of Light
(5th Grade)

Boy Scout (6th Grade)

Being A Cub Scout visit our google groups site visit our google groups site

If you are a boy in first grade through fifth grade—or you're 7 to 10 years old—then Cub Scouting is for you. It's for your family, too. This is the first and the biggest of the three Scouting programs (Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing) from the Boy Scouts of America.

Our Cub Scout Pack

The Boy Scouts of America is a national organization. Our area Council is the Western Los Angeles County Council. Within the Council, our "Pack" is in the Cahuenga District, along with other Packs in our immediate area. 

A Cub Scout “Pack” is a group of boys who are joined together as a unit to share in the activities that Cub Scouts has to offer. Every Cub Scout Pack is further divided into different ranks, which is based on age or grade in school—first graders are called “Tigers”; second graders are called “Wolves”; third graders are called “Bears”; fourth graders are called "Webelos 1" (“Webelos” stands for “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts”), and fifth graders are called "Arrow-of-Light". The entire Pack meets once a month at a “Pack Meeting” and typically participates in one Pack activity each month. 

Each level is further divided into a smaller group of boys called a “Den.” Pack 311 tries to keep the number of boys per den at between five and eight. So, for example, if there were a total of 24 Bears in the pack, we’d probably have three different Bear Dens. The Dens usually meet at least once a month (often twice a month), for approximately one hour, at a “Den Meeting” and/or outing, where you'll work on achievements and other activities together. 

Cub Scouts Do Things and Go Places

Cub Scouting means "doing." You have lots to do as a Cub Scout—crafts, games, songs, and puzzles, to name a few things. Cub Scouts also go to events like the annual Blue and Gold Banquet, field trips to science and history museums, and participate in derbies such as the Raingutter Regatta (model racing boats), Pinewood Derby (model racing cars) and Fishing Derby. They go hiking and camping and have other kinds of outdoor adventures. They take part in community events. Cub Scouts do all sorts of exciting stuff! Whatever it is that you enjoy, you'll have a chance to do it in Cub Scouting.

Cub Scouts Earn Awards

While you're having fun, you'll also be earning badges and belt loops. You'll work on projects with your parents or other adults in your family, and all of you will feel good about the things you accomplish. When you have earned an achievement, you and an adult member of your family take part in a ceremony. A badge is given to the adult, and he or she then gives it to you in front of the whole Pack. This is a way of saying "thank you" to your family for their help in earning your award.

The most popular awards for Cub Scouts are the Rank Advancement awards. Boys do requirements to advance and earn their badges of rank: Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and the Arrow of Light Award:

Cub Scouts can earn many other awards and medals too, sometimes by themselves and sometimes as members of their Pack. They can earn or help their Pack earn Journey to Excellence awards, Religious Emblems, the Emergency Preparedness Award, the Outdoor Activity Award, or the World Conservation Award. Webelos Scouts also earn Webelos Activity Pins.

When you earn an award in Cub Scouting, you learn new skills. You also get to use your new skills and your new knowledge in projects and demonstrations. You show what you know. People get to see what you've learned as a Cub Scout.

Cub Scouting Has a Purpose

There is a reason for everything boys do in Cub Scouting. Apart from the fun and excitement, the aim of Cub Scouting is to help boys grow into good citizens who are strong in character and personally fit.