FAQ & Links
Still have questions about scouting? We're here to help!

Who can join?
How old or young can a child be to join Cub Scouting?
School aged children, grades Kindergarten through 5th are eligible to join Cub Scouts. Older youth interested in scouting may join the Scouting America program which offers age-appropriate opportunities for children aged 11-18.
Can girls join Cub Scouts?
Girls are welcome to join Cub Scouts, and Pack 311 is an open and safe place for all children to express their unique gender identities.
How can I become an adult volunteer in Cub Scouting?
Pack 311 does not exist without the volunteering efforts of parents. We always welcome new talents and help with a variety of roles and responsibilities. If you'd like to help out, please get in touch with your Den Leader or contact our parent committee chair at: parentchair@cubpack311.com
The Cub Scout Program
Cub Scout Structure
Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America) is a national organization. Our area Council is the Western Los Angeles County Council. Within the Council, our "Pack" is in the Campo de Cahuenga District, along with other Packs in our immediate area.
A Cub Scout Pack is a group of scouts who are joined together as a unit to share in the activities that Cub Scouts has to offer. Each Pack consists of scouts at a variety of ranks, based on age or grade in school:
Kindergarteners are called Lions
First graders are called Tigers
Second graders are called Wolves
Third graders are called Bears
Fourth graders are called Webelos (We Be Loyal Scouts)
Fifth graders are called Arrow-of-Light (AOL)
The entire Pack meets once a month at a Pack Meeting and typically participates in one Pack activity each month.
Each rank is further divided 1 or more groups of 6-12 scouts called a “Den.” Pack 311 tries to keep the number of children per den at between five and twelve. So for example if there were a total of 28 Bears in the pack, we’d probably have three different Bear Dens. The Dens usually meet once to twice a month, for approximately one hour at the Den Leader's house, a park, or another location, where scouts will work on achievements and activities together.
Advancements and Awards
How Does Advancement Work?
Regardless of whether they earn their rank patch, all cub scouts advance to the next level at the conclusion of the current school year. Scouts may only work on adventures for their current year.
What activities do you do?
We offer a variety of activities all year round. We offer monthly hikes in the area from easy to moderate difficulty levels. We have 2-3 overnight campouts per year, with additional overnight opportunities hosted by the local Council. Scouts will have the opportunity to build and race their own boats and cars in the Raingutter Regatta and Pinewood Derby events. Archery and BB shooting are available at many camps, and we have other activities including sporting events, ski trips, visiting a battleship, bike riding, crafts, and more. We also participate in service activities in the community and with our chartering organization: Temple Beth Hillel.
How much does it cost?​
Dues are paid yearly, and come to about $300. Much of this goes to the National BSA organization from which we are chartered, and the remainder goes directly to our pack to support our program. The cost includes supples, awards, a pack-t-shirt, insurance & membership, and an optional subscription to Scout Life magazine
The full scout “Class A” uniform costs around $175-200 and includes a hat, neckerchief, slide, shirt with patches, shorts/pants, belt, socks, and handbook. We have a legacy bin that has some items left from scouts from previous years to help offset some of the cost. Class A uniforms are worn to pack meetings and most outings where the scouts are in public. (We also have a “Class B” uniform consisting of a pack T-shirt which is worn for more casual occasions, the cost of which is included in your pack dues)
Uniform shirt, pants, belt, and socks are carried over from year to year, with the exception of 5th grade when scouts will need a tan-colored uniform instead of the blue uniform worn from grades 1-4.
Uniforms can be purchased at the Valley Scout Shop: 16525 Sherman Way Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818.781.1296). They will help you get everything you need including "311" sleeve patches.
You may also purchase a uniform online at https://www.scoutshop.org/ however you will need to include the following add-ons:
Western Los Angeles Area Council patch
"311" pack numerals
World Heritage patch
Den number patch (ask your Den Leader)
Activities vary in cost depending on the length and nature of the activity. We aim to offer a number of free/included activities throughout the year. Additionally, the vast majority of requirements needed to earn each rank patch can be completed without any additional cost. Overnight campouts typically cost $50-100 per person (including food). The pack dues and national registration fees do not cover the cost of activities, so each family is only responsible for the costs of those events they are able to attend.
What is the Cub Scout Leadership Structure?
​There are a few main roles that each Cub Scout Pack must have. These are the primary leadership positions that help make the pack go.
The Cubmaster is the leader of the Cub Scout Pack. The Cubmaster is responsible for running the meetings, and coordinating with the parent committee to deliver a quality program for all scouts in the pack.
The Parent Committee Chair coordinates the parent involvement and actively participates in all aspects of the Pack's calendar of events
Assistant Cubmasters assist the Cubmaster in carrying out their responsibilities
Den Leaders are responsible for leading a den of scouts through each year of the program, working with them to (hopefully) achieve their rank patch by the end of the school year
Pack Treasurer is responsible for monitoring the flow of funds into and out of the pack and ensuring the pack remains solvent.
In addition to the roles above, there are other important opportunities to contribute in various ways:​
Advancement Chair coordinates purchasing and distribution of the awards that the scouts earn throughout the year
Popcorn Kernel 'showrunner' for our annual (and only) fundraiser selling popcorn to folks in the local community
Recruitment Chair coordinates welcome events, outreach to schools and local organizations to help ensure a healthy influx of new scouts